Intangible slay the spire
Intangible slay the spire

intangible slay the spire

intangible slay the spire

  • Armor-Piercing Attack: Melter will remove an enemy's block for that turn and then deals its damage.
  • These cards reduce all damage to Scratch Damage, while they last.
  • Armored But Frail: One event takes away a large percentage of Max HP and adds Apparition cards to your deck.
  • intangible slay the spire

    This is to prevent the Writhing Mass from changing its intent after the player has spent an entire turn preparing to deal with it, which would have been incredibly irritating. As even one point of damage is enough to make its intent change, certain mechanics like poison and lightning orb strikes do not cause the intent to change even though they deal damage. The Writhing Mass enemy in Act 3 has a gimmick where it will change its intent based on whether or not the player damaged it.Ascension level progresses regardless of whether you enter the Final Act or not, and losing the run by then still unlocks the next difficulty. As a result, you only have to go through it once with each character to get every achievement, and it can be done on the base difficulty. The game's secret final act and its two fights, the Spire Shield/Spear and Corrupt Heart, are a step high above everything else in the game.Of course, nothing says that they're human.


  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Outside of the Silent (whose skin tone is normal for African ancestry), no other humanoid character has a human skintone, with most varying from blue to green to gray.
  • She possesses multiple cards that retain in your hand at the end of your turn, and her two primary stances, Calm and Wrath, are designed in a way that you gain energy from exiting Calm, then once in Wrath stance, unload your attacks you've been holding onto before the enemies can hit you back hard.
  • Alpha Strike: A playstyle encouraged with the Watcher.
  • All Your Powers Combined: On a Custom game, if you select the Chimera and Diverse option, you get to start with that deck that has cards from all the characters and they can earn cards of different colours as they progress through the game.
  • Roulette: N'loth asks for a completely random relic to eat — so he may ask for boss relics that come with a downside note such as Coffee Dripper or Ectoplasm, relics that had a limited number of uses note such as the Old Coin or the Empty Cage, or even the useless Spirit Poop. The relics in question are various pieces of fruit, which are treated as precious artifacts of a time long past.
  • After the End: Several relic descriptions mention a "Spireblight" that seems to have wiped out most of the edible plant life in the world.
  • Action Bomb: The aptly named Exploder, which does two attacks and then explodes for 30 damage on its third turn.
  • Achievements in Ignorance: The Confused status, given by the Snecko enemy, the Snecko Eye relic, and the Snecko potion, randomizes every card's cost between 0 and 3 every time it is dealt, meaning that an action might require less energy than it should because the character is confused about how much energy they need to do it.
  • This game contains examples of the following tropes:

    Intangible slay the spire